Webinars and training courses about product compliance and more

Managing standards and product conformity requires a great deal of commitment and up-to-date knowledge. Do you know the right methods to work efficiently and achieve reliable results? Our experts pass on their know-how in the GLOBALNORM ACADEMY - tailored to every level of experience, from beginners to specialists.

Know-how transfer from experts

Training events for practical learning and greater confidence in the application of standards and approval requirements.

1 Onboarding

You have recently been introduced to the topics of standardization and/or product conformity and are looking for an introduction.

2 Experienced

You have detailed knowledge in a specialist discipline of product compliance, such as machine protection, electrical safety, explosion protection, EMC/radio, RoHS or REACH. You will prepare compliance documents, assist with risk assessment, the conformity assessment procedure or approve compliance documents. You may be involved in standards committees.

3 Professional

You coordinate all topics in your company that are relevant to product and material compliance. You provide support in determining requirements, advise or even train colleagues and other departments and take on the evaluation of suppliers. You would like to delve deeper into one aspect or another and may be aiming for personal certification.

4 Responsible

As a managing director, CEO, division manager or department head, you primarily need an overview of the legal framework requirements that apply to the products you want to market.




All GLOBALNORM ACADEMY events are accepted as continuing education hours for PCO recertification.



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