GLOBALNORM Product Compliance conference

A conference with true added value

The GLOBALNORM Product Compliance conference is held on a regular basis and focuses on current issues surrounding Product Compliance.  In addition to intriguing expert panel discussions and lectures, specific topics are highlighted in a selection of workshops where participants can obtain advice and practical strategies on how to deal with their unique set of issues.

The multidisciplinary composition of speakers and participants ensures an impressive diversity and an enriching, productive dialogue.  A lively interchange of experiences as well as establishing and maintaining contacts in your business network form an integral part of the conference's identity.

By experts for experts

Cross-industry expertise communicated in thematic lectures and expert panel discussions between industry and market authorities.





In 2024, our product compliance conference and expert dialog has once again established itself as an important platform for professionals and learners throughout Germany.

The complexity in the area of product compliance is continuously increasing, so this year participants received a comprehensive 360° update, gained deeper insights into technical aspects, were offered legal basics and practical application examples.



Focus Topics Presentations 2024



The 11th GLOABLNORM Product Compliance Conference was once again the ideal meeting place for professionals dealing with national or global standards management and compliance challenges. Here, everyone had the opportunity to learn from leading experts, discover best practices and exchange ideas with like-minded people.  



07.+08.07.2022 in Berlin

Two days filled with professional updates, many entertaining presentations, compact tutorials and a lot of reunions and good conversations - that is our conclusion of the 10th GLOBALNORM Conference Product Compliance, which we could finally organize again here in Berlin. More than 100 participants from D/A/CH eagerly followed the presentations and tutorials of our experts and used the opportunity to exchange ideas and network. The highlight of the first day of the conference was certainly our company anniversary evening event in an old freight depot with street food and a photo booth. 

Over 100 participants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Entertaining lectures by experts from the fields of business and law

Plenty of opportunity for good conversations

Hands-on tutorials

Charming moderation

Great pleasure at the anniversary evening event

6 entertaining Presentations

Six entertaining presentations by experts from business and law highlighted both evergreens and cutting-edge product compliance topics.

Exciting Company Insights:

  • Compliance Organization at Geberit // 
    Georg Taubert, Geberit International AG
  • Post-market surveillance at Mettler-Toledo // 
    Christian Müller-Schöll, Mettler-Toledo GmbH with Intro by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH
  • Recall management at Adolf Würth // 
    Angela Bayer, Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG 

An overview of the most important UKCA regulations // 
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH & Thiemo Rößle, SICK AG

The draft of the new EU product safety regulation // 
Prof. Dr. Thomas Klindt, Noerr PartGmbB

Product, Material & Environmental Compliance as an elementary component of a CMS according to ISO 37301 // 
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH & Dr. Peter Jonas, Austrian Standards

Roundtables with the speakers offered additional opportunities for exchange and discussion of concrete challenges.

14 compact and practical Tutorials

A total of 14 compact and practical tutorials provided participants with cutting-edge knowledge and useful recommendations for action:

1.1 The MÜV (EU) 2019/1020 from the perspective of an authority // Ludger Meinders, Federal Network Agency 
1.3 The new machinery regulation // Torsten Gast, PHOENIX CONTACT Deutschland GmbH

2.1 Importing products from third countries into the EU // Fully qualified lawyer Inken Green, Globalnorm GmbH
2.2 Charging systems in electromobility according to EN IEC 61851-1 // Benjamin Kerger (B. Eng.), Globalnorm GmbH
2.3 Export of machinery to third countries - what to look out for? // Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH

3.1 Update on the planned 4th Edition of IEC 62368-1 // Benjamin Kerger (B. Eng.), Globalnorm GmbH
3.2 Global substance prohibition requirements for selected third countries // Fully qualified lawyer Inken Green, Globalnorm GmbH
3.3 Implementation of UKCA requirements in an industrial company // Thiemo Rößle, SICK AG & Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH

4.1 Radio Equipment Directive and Cybersecurity - The new Delegated Acts // Holger Bentje, PHOENIX TESTLAB GmbH
4.2 Efficient handling of customer inquiries regarding substance prohibition regulations // Joachim Bischof, Festo SE & Co. KG
4.3 Global market access requirements and information management // Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer & Marius Galka, Globalnorm GmbH

5.1 Introduction to risk analysis according to the Radio Equipment Directive // Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH
5.2 Successfully managing Europe-wide EPR registrations // Florian Spreu, take-e-way GmbH
5.3 Global Cybersecurity requirements - an overview from the perspective of a medium-sized automation company // Joachim Bischof, Festo SE & Co. KG


"Your highly motivated team always manages to create a family atmosphere at a professional conference on legal matters. Before, during and after the conference or Product Compliance Officer education and training, one always feels very well taken care of. Keep up the good work."

Rainer Kiep, Product Compliance Officer, Lufthansa Technik AG, Hamburg

"It was great. Very well organized. I personally didn't miss anything. The lectures were very interesting, I could learn and confirm a lot."

Claudia Konrad, Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Nänikon, Switzerland

"For me it was the first time and I am thrilled. Thank you very much for the setting and the organization. I felt very comfortable and received the necessary info, so I don't know what could be better!"

Erol Ademi, Manager Quality Engineering, Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg (Schweiz)

"It offered an excellent space to share, discuss, inform, and educate, that is highly recommended!"

Vadim Baskal, MI Certification Coordinator, Siemens AG, Karlsruhe


The 9th GLOBALNORM Product Compliance ConferenceVirtuell

09.09.2021 live from Berlin

An insightful day full of know-how updates, added value and a direct line to product compliance experts - this is probably the best way to sum up our ninth conference. 125 participants from D/A/CH, Liechtenstein and even China followed the 8 presentations of our speakers with rapt attention, exchanged ideas in the chat or asked specific questions that we were not able to answer live in depth, but which we have illuminated in detail afterwards. 

8 captivating presentations on cutting-edge product compliance topics

Global Product Compliance – Regulatory trends in selected regions
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Torsten Sahm, Globalnorm GmbH

Status Quo of UKCA Labeling – The New Product Requirements Post-Brexit
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH

China on the way to becoming a world standardization power - "Chinese Standards 2035" research project
Tim Rühlig, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP)

Regulatory developments in cyber security for the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.

Current case law on product liability law - corporate or personal liability?
Dr. Carsten Schucht, Ahlhaus Handorn Niermeier Schucht Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Regulatory developments in the area of Material & Environmental Compliance
Inken Green, Volljuristin, Globalnorm GmbH

Strategy and current legal situation on the subject of digital user manuals
Roland Schmeling, Schmeling + Consultants GmbH

Overview of the planned machinery regulation (standardization, cyber security, AI)
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer, Globalnorm GmbH

9. GLOBALNORM Product Compliance Conference

8 captivating presentations on the latest key topics in product compliance

125 participants from all over D/A/CH, Liechtenstein and even China

435 minutes of valuable expert insights

63 concrete user questions answered by our team of experts afterwards


interesting discussions

"I particularly liked both the unrestricted competence of all lecturers and the simultaneously relaxed manner. Please keep it up!“

Christian Döhner, Team Leader Hardware Development, b-plus mobile control GmbH, Deggendorf


"The balancing act between law and technology was again well reflected by GLOBALNORM at this conference and captured what the challenges are every day in the company.... Thank you for responding directly to questions or still answering them afterwards!"“

Jennifer Lecloux, Referent Legal & Compliance, Baumer hhs GmbH, Krefeld



the 8th GLOBALNORM Product Compliance Conference virtual

November 24 and 25, 2020

As a face-to-face event, we unfortunately had to cancel our popular conference format in this pandemic-ridden year. In order to still be able to pass on our know-how, we have unceremoniously moved the tutorials to the virtual world. Our experts from the GLOBALNORM team held six compact online presentations on the latest topics related to product compliance.

Tutorial #1

Tutorial #2

Tutorial #3

Tutorial #4

Tutorial #5

Tutorial #6

"The size of the area of knowledge of product compliance is extremely impressive and was communicated very well! The presentation method with mind map drilled into depth in some places, I found very good for this tutorial! In addition to the other tutorials that I attended, I also wanted to praise the quick online answers to the audience's questions as a sideline. I have never experienced this at any webinar before.“

Ekkehard Groß, Product Compliance Manager, Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Putzbrunn


“Great presentation with lots of info showing that market access into new countries can be very time consuming. I will certainly present one or two things from the presentation to our management.”

Stefan Gies, Director Engineering Service, devolo AG, Aachen

“Excellent overview and a very good working aid to be able to reliably set up the necessary processes and generate corresponding information.”

Jürgen Bialek, Ingenieurbüro Bialek, Freiberg


Highlights of the 7th GLOBALNORM conference 2019

April 04 and 05, 2019 in Berlin, Germany

The new record number of over 100 participant’s shows one more time the importance of product conformity for every economic operator and how great the associated need for knowledge is.

Day 1: lectures with news and entertaining value

Sector independent topics were examined by the speakers during the first conference day. Joachim Geiß from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, for example, reported about the current negotiations for the so-called “Goods Package” which covers a revision of the market surveillance in the EU. In addition to that his head of department Boris Böhme introduced the German Market Regulation Forum.

Two compliance responsible persons showed on the basis of examples from their companies how product compliance management can be realized and gave valuable practical tips gained from their learning.

Attorney Philipp Reusch as well as host Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Loerzer addressed the topic of the legal perspective of product compliance on the one hand in the EU and on the other hand regarding the USA in comparison.

The first day was topped off with a discussion regarding “Quo Vadis European Standardization” because there arouse new questions regarding the publication politics of the EU commission since the “James Elliott” ECJ judgement.

In the evening we aimed high and went up on the radio tower for dinner and charming singers of old film songs, inspiring table talks and a breathtaking view of a fabulous sun set and the sea of lights of the capital.

Day 2: tutorials incl. practical relevance

The realization of product compliance in practice was focused on the second day.

In three tutorials each during the morning and afternoon session the participants got helpful knowhow for mastering real challenges like mandatory registrations with respect to WEEE, Chemical Compliance, the new REDCA TGN01, marketability of consumer products as well as the development of instructions according to IEC/IEEE 82079-1 and the search and monitoring of market access conditions.

Following this, one had the opportunity to talk about specific subjects with the experts of the second day at the Round Tables or to network with other participants.

Welcome to our 7th GLOBALNORM Product Compliance Conference

Attentive listeners from various industries

More than 100 participants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Coffee breaks for networking

Panel discussion on day 1

Practical tutorials on day 2

Round Tables on day 2

View from our evening event at the Funkturm

The "gentlemen from the gas station" entertained during the evening event

"...a big Thank You for the good job on the organization of a gripping conference. Not only succeeded GLOBALNORM despite the width of different industries and thus various main areas of interests to present exciting topics but also was the (surely work-intensive) organization of the conference and the evening event carried out perfect to the detail."

Ulf Seemann, Head of Quality Management & Market Compliance, Vivanco GmbH, Ahrensburg

"Thank you very much for the interesting exchange and the informative speeches. Special thanks to the organization team and the attentive service up to the compliant goodie. Perfect event – I gladly come back again!"

Idzumi Neumärker, Product Compliance Management, TTS Tooltechnic Systems Deutschland GmbH, Wendlingen

"…I’d like to say Thank You for all the recent events. Beginning from the product compliance work group to the PCO expert dialogue and up to the conference: everything pleased me and my two colleagues a lot. The organization, the speakers and last but not least the exchange was awesome."

Jörg Schneider, Head Product Compliance, Geberit International AG, Jona (CH)


Highlights of the 6th GLOBALNORM conference 2017

November 22 and 23, 2017 in Berlin, Germany

As professional interest in Product Compliance expertise is growing, our thematic conference is developing into an increasingly influential expert knowledge platform.  In 2009 we welcomed just under 30 participants at our inaugural GLOBALNORM Product Compliance conference.  To date, the event has grown to include more than 80 participants from a wide range of industry sectors.

Daily order of business: Product Compliance

Precisely how complex product compliance can be was illustrated by Michael Loerzer in his opening address at the 6th GLOBALNORM Product Compliance conference in Berlin, Germany.  The convergence of technologies and achieving proficient regulatory and normative control over them is one of the central challenges of the future.  Take a wooden table, for example.  Attach a light-emitting diode (LED), WLAN and a propulsion motor and you have a high-tech product.

Business relevance was added by Mr. Diedonné of Heraeus Noblelight GmbH.  The lighting system manufacturer now has two Product Compliance Officers on staff, both of whom received their training at the GLOBALNORM ACADEMY – in Quality Assurance Management as well as in Development, Design and Construction.

Market surveillance authorities' perspective on the new Directives

Dr. Honnacker of the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Consumer Protection pointed out the immense responsibility borne by economic operators, and requested a discussion round.  It became clear during this discussion that public authorities play a significant role in terms of providing a safety net (i.e. market surveillance and ensuring fair competition) and are also perceived as a consultative partner.  Univ. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Bracke of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Safety Technology at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (Chair of Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis) contributed two product recall examples that cleary showed how failure behavior and prognoses can be calculated using statistical methods.  Mr. Schaber of SICK AG (Dept. External Standards and Regulations) presented the automated drafting of EU Declarations of Conformity for the over 40,000 variants of their product.

Mr. Meinders of the Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency) was the second representative of a public authority and presented the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU.  The lively question round after his talk revealed that the Directive, which had come into force on June 13, 2017 was still causing difficulties on occasion.  One issue, for example, was how to handle 'combined equipment' under this new Directive, with the period for comment on this question due to expire at the end of January 2018.  Our legal counsel, Ms Inken Green, presented recent developments in environmental compliance, most notably the amendment to the RoHS Directive.  Other topics included the new Energy Labeling Ordinance, a review of 10 years of REACH as well as potential challenges ahead.

Workshops with a practical orientation, key topics and case studies

On the second day of the conference, six different workshops focusing on the practical aspects of Product Compliance were on offer to participants:

  • Standards Management – Practical issues, organization and objectives from a business point of view
  • Product Compliance in the business' structure – As much as is needed and as little as possible
  • Market authorization requirements for electrical products in the global movement of goods
  • Products with integrated wireless transmission (radio) components – Legally compliant implementation of the Radio Equipment Directive
  • Dialog between economic operators and public authorities – Current issues regarding CE marking, obligations of economic operators and liability issues
  • Application of the Conformity Assessment procedure without a specific product standard

A Recommendation for Action in German and English, with sample Declaration of Conformity forms, developed in the "Products with Integrated Wireless Transmission Components" workshop will be made available here shortly.

Impressions of the 6th Globalnorm Product Compliance Conference

Captivating expert panel debates

GLOBALnorm Product Compliance expert Michael Loerzer

Opportunities for individual consultation on practical issues

Informative lectures

"The informal setting of the conference enabled everyone to connect with relevant public authorities and gain insight into how other organizations were dealing with CE marking issues."

Albert Herdt, Engineer, High Performance Electronics, EWM AG, Mündersbach

"Knowledge exchange between representatives of different industry sectors provided reassurance of not being alone in mastering the challenges of Product Compliance.  Moreover, involving a market surveillance authority in the discussion was very good."

Michael Schweizer, Machine Solutions Certification Manager, Schneider Electric Automation GmbH, Marktheidenfeld

"A very good mix of relevant presentations.  GLOBALNORM staff as well as the external speakers and the attendees made good use of the conference as a truly solution-oriented platform."

Dieter Bauer, Mercedes-Benz Accessories GmbH, Stuttgart

"Factual, proficient lectures with practical examples of implementation for general requirements.  A very well structured event, especially the round table discussions at the end offered a welcome opportunity for in-depth discussions."

Wolfgang Scholer, Development Manager, ROTEX Heating Systems GmbH, Güglingen

More on the conference


More know-how on Product Compliance and Standards Management
Common specifications (GS) of the EU

Alternative solution if no harmonized standards are available

Read more

New development on the "Malamud" case and free provision of standards

ISO and IEC file suit against the European Commission

Read more

Radio standards to be removed from the EU Official Journal

Technology neutrality. Strategy of the EU Commission

Read more


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